
Do You Need a Booking Agent?

Sooner or later as a musician who wants a career in the music business you are going to need a booking agent. What is a booking agent? A person whom finds the band a job, or arranges and sets up tour dates. The booking agent may also handle arrangements related to venue management. (Also known as a talent agent, a booking agent may act as liaison between the act and venue operators.) Another part of their job could entail ensuring that contractual obligations are met for both you as a musical artist and the venue.

Music Promotion – What You Need To Know

The ability to self promote your music is a key skill to possess. When you are starting out you may not have money to hire a PR person or someone to run media for you. So how do you let people know about your music? Follow these steps and you will get the start you need.

Bachelor Girl – On Tour

Australian duo Bachelor Girl (Tania Doko and James Roche) are thrilled that they are reunited for the release of their greatest hits album, Loved & Lost: The Best of Bachelor Girl (Sony Music). Keep checking for their selective group of live shows in June.

Negotiating With Record Labels

Your time has arrived and you have received an offer of a recording contract. Although many artists are not business-minded, the recording industry is a business so you as an artist need to know how it works.Let’s take a look at some very important things to consider when making this important negotiation.

Van Downham to perform at the Hornby Institute – June 25th

Saturday 25th – 7.30pm Hornby Institute
Featuring Jerry Donahue (Fairport Convention, Hellecasters)
Tickets £12. Visit

Tania Doko and James Roche have reformed Bachelor Girl


Tania Doko is doing several dates in Melbourne with the band Bachelor Girl. The group best known for their Double Platinum debut CD, “Waiting  For The Day,” has had a new Sony compilation recently released  called ,”Loved and Lost”.

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